ASU Future Interpreters and Translators Get a Chance to Take Traineeships on Cruise Ships

ASU Future Interpreters and Translators Get a Chance to Take Traineeships on Cruise Ships

The Faculty of Foreign Languages of Astrakhan State University finished a cycle of events on organization of internavigational meetings with VODOHOD ship company, one of the long-standing and reliable partners of the university.

3-5th-year students attended a presentation by the company representatives and learnt about vacancies for navigation in 2019. Then everyone interested could take part in an interview. The cruise directors from the ships “Georgy Chicherin” and “Mstislav Rostropovich”, who participated in the meeting, noted a decent level of the students’ knowledge of English, German, Spanish, Italian and French. More than 80 students of the Faculty are interested in taking an interesting language traineeship and working as interpreters in this proven company. Many of them have already been invited to work.

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Now the students are to take an internavigational study course. In winter, the cruise directors will explain niceties and specific features of work of guides and administrators on board to their future employees and prepare them for a new tourist season. It is pleasant to note that the number of students who is proficient in several foreign languages, especially in Spanish and Chinese, is growing year over year. Working on a ship allows students to practise and improve their level of language competence, as well as to gain an invaluable working experience in tourism.

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Faculty of Foreign Languages