ASU Issues 16 Diplomas to Presidential Programme Graduates of 2018

ASU Issues 16 Diplomas to Presidential Programme Graduates of 2018

Astrakhan State University is the only higher educational institution in the region that has been proving its right to retrain high-level specialists for 11 years, passing public evaluation of its educational programmes.

Astrakhan State University, among the best educational institutions and business schools of Russia, has been implementing a presidential training programme for managers since 2007. It aims at forming human resources for economy and public administration. Since then, ASU has implemented seven educational programmes on city management, business development, innovation management, etc. The university has trained 413 specialists with a high level of managerial competence who can develop socioeconomic potential of the region.

16 äèïëîìîâ âðó÷èë ÀÃÓ âûïóñêíèêàì Ïðåçèäåíòñêîé ïðîãðàììû â 2018 ãîäó

In 2017/2018 academic year, a group of 16 senior and middle managers undertook the study courses "Regional Management: Formation of Sustainable Competitive Positions of Companies and Territories" and "Efficient Healthcare Management: Training Solution-Oriented Management Teams for Regional Healthcare System". The courses were attended by directors, deputy heads, chiefs of departments and services of large enterprises and organizations, successful entrepreneurs, etc.

16 äèïëîìîâ âðó÷èë ÀÃÓ âûïóñêíèêàì Ïðåçèäåíòñêîé ïðîãðàììû â 2018 ãîäó

The attendees’ projects were carried out with regard to the development of investment attractiveness of Astrakhan region. The presidential programme graduates are powerful human resources that improve the quality of management at Astrakhan region enterprises.

16 äèïëîìîâ âðó÷èë ÀÃÓ âûïóñêíèêàì Ïðåçèäåíòñêîé ïðîãðàììû â 2018 ãîäó

Department of Strategy & Competitiveness