Astrakhan State University Keeps Running Its School of Journalism

Astrakhan State University Keeps Running Its School of Journalism

The project has been successfully implemented for a year and gained popularity among pupils of our city and region. From the very beginning, this idea drew attention of 7-11 grade pupils’ parents who are interested in humanitarian development of their children and high-quality preparation for basic and final state examinations in Russian.

The School graduated its first group in summer 2018. During the whole study period, each attendee expressed their creativity and eventually gained a unique experience and enriched their creative portfolio, which will be useful for their potential enrollment at the university, in particular for entering the programme "Journalism".

The scope of topics, covered at classes, is quite wide: for example, at one of the classes attendees learned the psychology of journalism, identified their temperament and built further communication with each other, wrote assays, etc. Another subject was dedicated to development, implementation and presentation of a research project with the use of media technologies. The attendees learnt how to identify the urgency, originality and goal of studies, worked with interactive maps, etc. At their photography classes, the attendees of the School of Journalism learnt about different types of cameras and other photography-related issues.

Each lesson contains written or oral tasks, which allow journalists-to-be practise their art of oratory. The most important principle of the School is building peer communication, raising written and oral literacy and developing computer skills. Master classes, held for the School attendees both at regional and federal levels, are another important and memorable part of the studies.

Faculty of Philology and Journalism