ASU College Students Get to Know about Prospects of Further Education

ASU College Students Get to Know about Prospects of Further Education

At the event hall of the college, deans of the university faculties and departments told the audience about opportunities offered by the ASU. They addressed the students who will complete the secondary vocational education course this year and are going to deepen their knowledge taking a BA programme or to master another specialization.

As is known, Astrakhan State University has a flexible system of options for different groups of prospective students. For example, the college graduates can continue their studies at the university, choosing a BA programme. After the course completion at the college, students have several options for their further education — they can either choose full-time studies or start working and opt for extramural courses.

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Modern world requirements make a young specialist have wider knowledge to be in-demand at the labour market. ASU allows both to deepen knowledge in the major you already have and to choose another study field. Another option is to take a programme of the Department of Continuing Education which was also represented by its specialists at the meeting.

Such events give students an opportunity to get full information firsthand and to talk to the deans and heads of departments freely, ask questions and clarify issues they are interested in.

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