Mikhail Kotyukov, the Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, Congratulates on the Russian Students’ Day

Mikhail Kotyukov, the Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, Congratulates on the Russian Students’ Day

Dear friends! Let me wholeheartedly congratulate you on this wonderful occasion!

The Russian students are traditionally a very active, creative and initiative community. Study years are very lively, but at the same time quite challenging as they determine your further destiny. Studentship forms the basis of future professional and personal achievements. You’ve chosen a difficult, but immensely interesting path of learning, and these are you, your hard work and responsibility that form the Russia of tomorrow!

I wish all students good health, happiness and success! May all your dreams and the most ambitious plans come true!

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Mikhail Kotyukov,

Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation