ASU Alumnus Shares Her Secrets of Professional Success

ASU Alumnus Shares Her Secrets of Professional Success

Anastasia Zoshchuk completed a BA programme at the Faculty of Psychology and a MA programme at the Faculty of Business & Economy of Astrakhan State University. While studying at ASU, she won the scholarship of the Governor of Astrakhan region five times. Today, she works at the regional Youth Agency, and she says that her active social work has contributed a lot to her personal and professional growth.

The first major event Anastasia participated in was the all-Russian youth educational forum “Seliger”, followed by “Taurida”, “Terra Scientia on Klyazma”, the competition “Leader of the 21st Century” and the World Festival of Youth and Students. Anastasia’s volunteering activities started with the all-Russian public movement “Volunteers of the Victory”. Starting from 2014, she participated in the international youth forum “Selias” three times, and in 2017-2018 she was already among its organizers and actively worked with the forum partners.

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From 2017, Anastasia has worked in the Youth Agency of Astrakhan region. Now she is a specialist in the Project Implementation Unit. Anastasia supervises development of student self-governance bodies at regional level and keeps protecting students’ rights. And it just so happens that the activity areas of her public organization and the main occupation often overlap.

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The unit where the alumnus works closely cooperates with the United Council of Students and the Trade Union of Astrakhan State University. As Anastasia says, her current occupation is closely connected with the first degree, got at ASU — it is very important to build a proper system of motivation and have a way with people both in public activities and in psychology. A HR manager must have psychological knowledge. Besides, the studies at the Faculty of Business & Economy urged Anastasia on self-development in management. She started reading more papers on personal growth. She marks out “Ranking of Student Self-Governance Bodies” as a prominent joint project of regional Ministry of Education and Science, Youth Agency of Astrakhan region and the organization “Student Solidarity”. By the way, in 2017 Astrakhan State University took the lead in the nomination “Technology & Logistics Support of Activities”.

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Directorate of Information Policy

Photo: Directorate of Information Policy, courtesy of Anastasia Zoshchuk