Southern Federal District Students Compete for the Title of the Best Teacher

Southern Federal District Students Compete for the Title of the Best Teacher

Astrakhan State University keeps running an onsite stage of the all-Russian student competition "I am a Professional". February 14, the most romantic day of the year, saw mastery of teachers-to-be.

Since ASU is the competition venue for the whole Southern Federal District, the university welcomed representatives of educational institutions of other cities. Students of the Taganrog Institute named after A.P. Chekhov were the first representatives of pedagogical majors to prove their professionalism.

The participants were strictly assessed by the jury, consisted of expert teachers, including Galina Palatkina, the Dean of the Faculty of Pedagogics & Social Work, as well as potential employers — managers and employees of Astrakhan educational institutions who followed the students’ performance attentively.

The competition tasks were closely connected with teacher’s practical activities, and the classroom environment was as close to a real lesson as possible. The participants were to give a physics lesson, fully develop a chosen topic, introduce the main concepts and not let the audience get bored. The students tried being creative in developing the topic and finding interesting facts that would draw the audience’s attention.

Connecting training sessions with real life is one of the teacher’s main tasks, that is why the participants’ programmes of the lessons included information on applying physics in everyday life and in the workplace. It should be noted that the students proved themselves to be real professionals and did not show their understandable nervousness. They honourably gave the lessons and caught the audience’s interest.

There are other stages of the all-Russian competition ahead, so follow the news on the official website of Astrakhan State University and our social media pages!

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