ASU Celebrates Saint Valentine’s Day

ASU Celebrates Saint Valentine’s Day

This morning, the hall of the ASU main building welcomed everyone with a special photo zone.

Representatives of the Trade Union Committee created romantic atmosphere for their colleagues. Everyone could be photographed with a cute teddy bear called Valentine and funny signs. In a couple of hours, all the photos were already printed and given to the photographed people.

Besides, one could make a note "Love is ..." on a special stand. These were not only students who ventured to share their thoughts and feelings, but the university teachers as well, and the Trade Union Committee gave a special present — a Love Is gum — to the authors of the notes.

If you haven’t got your romantic portraits yet, find them on ASU social media pages.

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ÀÃÓ îòìåòèë Äåíü âëþáë¸ííûõ


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