ASU Trains In-Demand Professionals for the Region

ASU Trains In-Demand Professionals for the Region

On February 20, the institution for education development “Platform” hosted a meeting of the open public platform of the discussion club #IAMFROMASTRAKHAN, dedicated to the problem of brain drain from the region. The event was attended by Konstantin Markelov, the Acting Rector of Astrakhan State University.

The meeting brought together public figures, officials and entrepreneurs, students and journalists, active youth and everyone concerned. The meeting participants both discussed how to make the region more attractive for talented and forward-thinking people — tech workers, engineers, innovators, doctors, creative youth — and put forward specific proposals on improving the current situation. Besides, they considered the level of competence of today’s graduates and young specialists.

Astrakhan State University keeps training in-demand qualified professionals in compliance with real needs of the region. It can offer quite a wide choice of workplaces for the university graduates, which is ensured thanks to well-established ties with local enterprises. A lot of students already can undertake a traineeship within the framework of the above cooperation and start their successful career.

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According to the Rector, the problem is that both pupils and parents have no idea about a plenty of new projects and prospects. And these are parents who make a decision and prepare their child for an important step of choosing his/her future profession. Unfortunately, we have lost the link between the family, school, secondary and higher educational institutions. So, this connection must be recovered.

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The discussion club participants put forward a number of proposals which, according to the event organizers, will be further implemented in cooperation with respective government agencies. In order to do this, a decision was made on organizing workgroups in cooperation with all interested parties, as it is very important to train in-demand specialists who will aspire to decent pay in their region.

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