ASU Faculty of Business & Economy Celebrates Its 11th Birthday

ASU Faculty of Business & Economy Celebrates Its 11th Birthday

Over this period, the faculty graduated about three thousand professionals, and 7% of them were got diplomas with honours.

The specificity of training students at this faculty is connected with flexibility of educational programmes and an opportunity to study two foreign languages — English and one of the Asian languages (Farsi, Chinese or Arabic).

The faculty has 5 Doctors of Sciences and 14 Candidates of Sciences. All the teachers have scientific degrees, which indicates a high scientific, methodological and organizational level of the staffing.

The faculty pays much attention to cooperation with employers: it continuously cooperates with the Astrakhan Regional Duma, ministries, government agencies, large regional companies and a lot more.

The faculty maintains academic partnership leading HEIs of Russia, Azerbaijan, China, Turkey, France and other countries.

Being congratulated these days on their birthday, the faculty employees and students are sure that it will definitely follow the path of development and prosperity.

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Faculty of Business & Economy