Astrakhan State University Celebrates the Mother Language Day

Astrakhan State University Celebrates the Mother Language Day

The events, dedicated to the date which is important for every educated person, were held at the Faculty of Business & Economy and the ASU Znamensk Branch.

The International Mother Language Day is an observance which unites people worldwide with one single idea: to preserve their language and thus do not lose their national identity. This day, everyone should think about his/her attitude to the mother language and about its possible contamination because a national language is a living organism which grows together with its nation.

 Àñòðàõàíñêîì ãîñóíèâåðñèòåòå îòìåòèëè Äåíü ðîäíîãî ÿçûêà

The ASU Faculty of Business & Economy timed a topic-related lesson to this date. The students were recalled that today our world accounts for 6,000 different living languages, but year by year this number is decreasing, which is connected with globalization and migration processes.

 Àñòðàõàíñêîì ãîñóíèâåðñèòåòå îòìåòèëè Äåíü ðîäíîãî ÿçûêà

The ASU Znamesk Branch held a forum of the student scientific community under the motto “Let’s Preserve Our Language”. Representatives of different nationalities told the participants about their mother languages and made the guests feel their beauty, reading poems of Tajik, Kazakh and Ukrainian poets. The event was adorned by a beautiful Ukrainian song.

 Àñòðàõàíñêîì ãîñóíèâåðñèòåòå îòìåòèëè Äåíü ðîäíîãî ÿçûêà

Students of the Department of Pedagogics, Psychology & Humanitarian Disciplines, guided by Natalia Gromova, a senior professor of the department, made everyone think about the issue of language preservation. At the end of the forum, all the attendees were handed certificates of participation.

Faculty of Business & Economy

ASU Znamensk Branch