Astrakhan State University Sums Up the Results on 2018 Research Activities

Astrakhan State University Sums Up the Results on 2018 Research Activities

On February 25, another meeting of the ASU Scientific Council saw an approval of the report on scientific and research activities and a discussion on other important issues.

The report on the results of scientific and research activities in 2018 was presented by Anna Fedotova, the Vice Rector for Research Activities. At the federal level, she says, ASU achievements are especially remarkable in physiology, political science and culturology. All types of activities are systematically carried out: during 2018, the university organized regular scientific events and lectures of teachers from Russian and foreign universities, carried out contract-based and government-order research, published scientific papers.

A number of ASU projects have been supported by grants which finance both development of specific innovative products and organization of scientific conferences and publication of monographs.

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Last year, a team of ASU researchers won the Russian Science Foundation grant for the first time in the university’s history. Besides, ASU won the RF Presidential Grant for Young Scientists, a grant from LUKOIL company for establishing a school of field ecologists, as well as a number of foreign grants.

ASU also develops the student science: young researchers participate in conferences and grant projects with their senior colleagues and publish scientific papers.

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Among the ASU tasks for 2019, Anna Fedotova marked out establishment of electronic scientific journals and new scientific councils, development of scientific partnership, submission of a larger number of grant applications, as well as transformation of the scope of certain research projects in compliance with current priorities in the development of the Russian science.

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