Tatarstan Educational Leader is a New Partner of ASU

Tatarstan Educational Leader is a New Partner of ASU

Sergey Yushko, the Rector of Kazan National Research Technological University, and Konstantin Markelov, the Acting Rector of Astrakhan State University, have signed a respective agreement.

The formalized friendship of the two universities complies with the instructions of Tatarstan President Rustam Minnikhanov following the results of his meeting with Sergey Morozov, the Astrakhan Governor ad interim.

ASU and KNRTU are sure that their joint efforts will accelerate the solution of the main task on developing educational, research and other types of activities. The parties are going to closely cooperate in methodological and scientific work, help each other in improving educational processes and professional retraining of their teaching staff. The agreement also implies the exchange of experience, scientific publications, methodological literature and other printed materials. The parties are also discussing prospects of joint research on topical issues of science and engineering. There are some ideas on participation in scientific conferences and symposia, preparation of joint scientific articles, monographs, collected papers and a lot more.

The universities can cooperate in biochemistry, IT, biodefence of plants and aquaculture, as well as engineer training. The formalized relations will allow the universities to prepare joint applications for Russian and foreign grants.

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