23/8: Speed-Dating Evening at ASU Stage

23/8: Speed-Dating Evening at ASU Stage

The Cultural Centre of Astrakhan State University held a concert, dedicated to the celebration of Defender of the Fatherland Day, which has already passed, and the upcoming International Women’s Day.

At the time of the performance, the stage turned into a café, where single people tried to find a date. Different men and women, each with his/her funny or sad history, found each other. This plot was quite symbolic in the period between two holidays.

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The gathered employees and students of Astrakhan State University were congratulated by Acting Rector Konstantin Markelov, who also came up on stage.

“May happiness be with you not only on holidays but lifelong. I hope that the male part of Astrakhan State University — both students and teachers — will do their best to preserve this atmosphere,” he said to the female part of the university in advance of their holiday.

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On behalf of the audience, the Rector also thanked the organizers and performers, who made such a wonderful show for the spectators.

23/8: ÀÃÓ óñòðîèë íà ñöåíå âå÷åð áûñòðûõ ñâèäàíèé

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