Digitalization and Cooperation: ASU Projects Are Included into the Strategy-2035

Digitalization and Cooperation: ASU Projects Are Included into the Strategy-2035

Members of the expert committee of the regional Ministry of Industry, Transport and Natural Resources held a meeting within the framework of the development of the Strategy for Socioeconomic Development of Astrakhan Region. Aleksey Titov, the Head of the ASU Engineering Project Office, addressed the participants with a report and received approval for a number of university projects.

It should be recalled that the development of the regional Strategy-2035 has been initiated by Sergey Morozov, the Governor ad interim, and is aimed at forming mechanisms of sustainable development of key industries, creating solutions for the regional problem areas and improving the quality of life of the population.

On behalf of Astrakhan State University, Aleksey Titov presented several corrective actions at the expert committee meeting. The first one is the scientific & educational centre “Caspian Region”», a top-priority project of the university, which is now the core of a forming platform of regional and national universities.

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Another efficient initiative is focused on the sphere of logistics. Astrakhan region is an important element of the international transport corridor “North — South”. In this regard, ASU has established the Transport & Logistics Consortium of Caspian Higher Educational Institutions, involving a number of leading universities of the macroregion.

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The Caspian Higher Engineering School, recently established at ASU as a digital instrument of educational programmes of the university of the National Technology Initiative 20.35, is aimed at solving a digital task in education, a task on providing the region with well-trained specialists, maintaining the high level of higher education and solving the problem of brain drain.

The presented projects of Astrakhan State University were approved and included into the Strategy for Socioeconomic Development of Astrakhan Region by 2035.

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