UNESCO Chair of Astrakhan State University is Presented at Federal Level

UNESCO Chair of Astrakhan State University is Presented at Federal Level

On March 6-7, Kazan hosted the 6th All-Russian Congress of UNESCO Chairs. Konstantin Markelov attended the event and presented his report on the experience and development prospects of the UNESCO Chair of ASU.

Over the years, the ASU Chair has become a regional centre that facilitates more active development of innovative educational programmes and projects, aimed at implementation of UNESCO ideas and mission.

The Chair objective is to form a regional system of lifelong education, to solve tasks, connected with joining in the Bologna process, to create conditions for employment and raising population’s well-being, to reduce social tensions, to prevent interethnic and interreligious conflicts.

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In his report, Konstantin Markelov, who was elected a member of the UNESCO Chairs Coordinating Committee at the congress, noted that the UNESCO Chair of ASU pays much attention to the extension of international ties between universities and other organizations. From 2010, the University has become one of 16 basic Russian HEIs that form the University of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.

Within the framework of the UNESCO Chair activities on organizing systematic and comprehensive support of young scientists, ASU is getting ready to launch the Caspian Scientific Youth Project Office.

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The ASU UNESCO Chair develops a regional system of engineering education on the basis of social partnership. The university runs the Caspian Higher Engineering School, aimed at development and implementation of educational and research projects.

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