Iran Welcomes ASU Students

Iran Welcomes ASU Students

At the turn of 2018 and 2019, a group of 15 representatives of Astrakhan State University left for the Islamic Republic of Iran, where they took a language study course at the University of Guilan. Vadim Yugzov, a 3rd-year student of the Faculty of Social Communications, shares his impressions.

Since his school days, Vadim has been interested in politics and political science, and that is why he studies International Relations at ASU. On the 1st year of their studies, the students learnt about an opportunity of taking foreign traineeships and were invited to choose a second foreign language. Vadim decided to learn Farsi.

Being the only student from the Faculty of Social Communications, Vadim left for Iran together with representatives of the Historical Faculty and students of the major “Teacher of Farsi” from the Faculty of Foreign Languages. The Guilan University, a reliable partner of ASU, warmly welcomed the delegation. The Astrakhan student marks out comfortable living conditions, friendliness, kind-heartedness of the receiving institution and a well-organized study process.

The traineeship programme included 10 different subjects: the students learnt not only the language itself but also the history of the Persian culture, classical and modern literature and even the Iranian mass media. They were taught by Iranian teachers in Farsi.

So, the trip gave a plenty of new emotions and knowledge to the ASU students, from the language to the economy, customs, geography of this amazing country. Vadim is determined to use any opportunity to take such traineeships and he confesses he is fully satisfied with the profession he’s chosen. The student is going to enter a MA programme in future and build a career, connected with Farsi and diplomacy.

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Directorate of Information Policy

Photo: Courtesy of Vadim Yugzov