ASU Students Meet with Maksim Korotchenko, a Well-Known Astrakhan Photographer

ASU Students Meet with Maksim Korotchenko, a Well-Known Astrakhan Photographer

3th- and 4th-year students of the Faculty of Philology & Journalism have supported with enthusiasm the project “The Formula of Success” for young media experts, presented at the artistic platform “AstraKult”.

Students have already met with Marina Lee, the Head of the Broadcasting Service of the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company “Lotus” and a member of the public council of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Astrakhan region, and with Dmitry Krasnov and Inna Muratova, authors of special projects of Astrakhan-24 TV Channel.

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The artistic platform has recently held another meeting, this time with Maksim Korotchenko, a well-known photographer and an awardee of different international competitions. He told the journalism students about specificity of his artwork. Maksim works in two professional spheres: photojournalism and artistic projects.

During the interview, the students asked a lot of questions, mainly on how to become a photojournalist or just start taking up photography.

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The artistic meeting was another evidence of how important it is for starting journalists to learn about professionals’ experience and personality because journalism is multifaceted and covers a lot of related but completely different areas which journalists-to-be must learn to make their professional self-fulfillment easier.

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Faculty of Philology & Journalism

Photo: AstraKult website