Russian Business Experts Compete at ASU

Russian Business Experts Compete at ASU

On March 14, Astrakhan region hosted the regional stage of the 5th All-Russian Competition on Russian Entrepreneurship History among HEI and FEI students.

It is the second time in the course of the present competition when its stage has been held at Astrakhan State University, which helped organize the event at a high level.

The Competition of 2019 has shown that students and teachers are becoming more and more interested in the history of the Russian entrepreneurship as a part of the national history. It is proved by a growing number of participating students and educational institutions they represent: the competition has involved about 150 representatives of five leading HEIs and six FEIs of Astrakhan region. The biggest delegations where the ones of Astrakhan State University and Astrakhan State Technical University, which eventually demonstrated the best results.

The competition winners will receive diplomas and valuable gifts, and all the students will get certificates of participation.

The final stage of the competition, which will bring together the regional stage winners, will be held in Moscow at the Faculty of History of Lomonosov Moscow State University.

Department of Strategy & Competitiveness

Photo: Directorate of Information Policy