ASU Kicks Start to Italian-Astrakhan Academic Exchange

ASU Kicks Start to Italian-Astrakhan Academic Exchange

Yesterday, on March 18, Astrakhan welcomed Prof. Federico Pernazza from the University of Molise (Campobasso, Italy). The scientist came to our university within the framework of an international mobility programme. This mode of cooperation is a new experience for the ASU Law Faculty and their colleagues from the Italian university.

The academic exchange implies both mutual traineeships of Astrakhan and Campobasso students in Italy and Russia respectively and teaching activities of professors of Astrakhan State University and the University of Molise.

"We hope that within the exchange visit, Prof. Federico Pernazza’s classes will be fruitful and efficient for ASU students, and the guest himself will be happy with his stay at our university", says Ksenia Tyurenkova, an associate professor of the Department of International Law of Astrakhan State University.

The agreement between ASU and the University of Molise was signed in 2017 within the implementation of Erasmus+ short-term academic mobility programme. The university itself was established in 1982 and is located in Southcentral Italy. There are six departments: Department of Agricultural, Environmental and Food Sciences, Department of Economics, Department of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences, Department of Biosciences and Territory, Department of Law and Department of Medicine and Health Sciences.

Studying at the University of Molise within Erasmus+ programme is open for BA, MA and Ph.D. students of legal and economic majors.

Law Faculty