ASU Representatives Participate in a Federal Educational Project

ASU Representatives Participate in a Federal Educational Project

Elena Metelskaya, the Head of the Unit of Additional Professional Education of the Department of Continuing Education, and Irina Romanovskaya, the Head of the Department of Pedagogics & Continuing Professional Education, have participated in strategic sessions within the framework of the All-Russian seminar for the participants of the federal project “Teacher of the Future” of the national project “Education”.

The event, which was held at the Institute for Education Development, gathered representatives of 11 pilot regions (including Astrakhan region) where mechanisms of teacher professional advancement are already being introduced, as well as experts of those RF entities that are still planning to participate in the project.

The focus area of the sessions was titled “From Project Strategy to Implementation”: the participants discussed the project strategy, its infrastructure, new educational environment and other issues. The first day of the seminar ended with a panel discussion upon the meeting results.

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Department of Continuing Education

Photo: Institute for Education Development