ASU Students Are Assessed by Professional Journalists

ASU Students Are Assessed by Professional Journalists

The festival "I Live Here" is a joint project of the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company "Lotus" and the Faculty of Philology & Journalism of Astrakhan State University.

The competition was initiated by the Department of Theory & History of Journalism in November 2018. While completing a creative task within the subjects "Fundamentals of Journalistic Activities" and "Information Space of the Region" (taught by Galina Belolipskaya), the students were to make a 1-minute video with their mobile phones. The results were summed up at the regional TV channel.

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During the meeting at the TV channel, the 1-3rd year students of the Faculty of Philology & Journalism that participated in the competition were shown the channel studios. The experts recommended that the students learnt their future profession in practice more actively and said they were ready to help them in that aspiration.

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The festival ended with a meeting of Stella Zvereva, the Lotus Director, Aleksandr Treshchev, the ASU Vice-Rector for Academic Activities, and Lyudmila Kasiyanova, the Dean of the Faculty of Philology & Journalism, who mentioned close cooperation and interaction of the creative team of the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company "Lotus" and ASU students of the major "Journalism". It should be noted that the communication between experts of the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company "Lotus" and students has long been a good tradition: students of this programme undertake traineeships at the largest regional TV channel on a regular basis; besides, a lot of alumni of ASU who have completed this study programme, work in this broadcasting company.

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Faculty of Philology & Journalism