Konstantin Markelov Participates in a Dialogue on Future Education

Konstantin Markelov Participates in a Dialogue on Future Education

The Acting Rector of Astrakhan State University is participating in the international scientific forum “Universities, Society and the Future of Mankind”, which is taking place today at Lomonosov Moscow State University.

The topic seems to be quite urgent for the global academic community, that is why the forum has brought together leading scientists, university rectors and entrepreneurs.

At the time of the forum, MSU has become a platform for an intensive dialogue, dedicated to the role of universities in harmonization of the global academic, technological and humanitarian space in the era of great challenges. The issue is being discussed by representatives of leading Russian and foreign universities, scientific organizations, academic communities, corporations and public authorities.

Right now, the participants are considering a historical transformation of the role of universities and their further development with regard to modern tendencies at several discussing panels. The event programme also includes a solemn ceremony of signing memorandums on establishing academic consortiums within the programme “Vernadsky”, launched by MSU to facilitate cooperation between university centres, regions, companies and enterprises.

Besides, the forum programme includes meetings of the Russian Rectors’ Union and the Eurasian Universities Association.

Directorate of Information Policy

Photo: Courtesy of Konstantin Markelov