Korean Ambassador Expresses His Readiness to Develop Educational Cooperation with ASU

Korean Ambassador Expresses His Readiness to Develop Educational Cooperation with ASU

Astrakhan State University welcomed a delegation from South Korea, headed by Woo Yoon Keun, Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to the Russian Federation. The delegation included, among others, Gwangyang City Mayor Jeong Hyunbok and Gwangyang City Council Chair Kim Suenghee. Gwangyang has been twinned with Astrakhan, with a respective memorandum signed by the authorities.

At the conference hall of the Caspian Higher School of Interpreting and Translation, ASU Acting Rector Konstantin Markelov warmly welcomed the delegation on behalf of the host institution. The Rector stressed that a visit of such high-profile foreign guests can create a platform for new projects.

In his turn, Mr. Woo Yoon Keun, who has visited Astrakhan State University for the second time, thanked the university administration for their hospitability and readiness to cooperate.

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The new sister city in Korea gives Astrakhan a wide range of opportunities, including in the sphere of education. Gwangyang has a well-developed economy: it ranks eleventh in the world ranking of ports, runs one of the leading Korean special economic zones and operates a large metallurgic plant. Of course, student exchange programmes with Korean industrialists and scientific projects would be very productive.

At the meeting, representatives of ASU research centres and laboratories presented a number of their innovative products that can be interesting and promising for the foreign guests. Mr. Ambassador and other distinguished guests noted that these innovations have great prospects for joint work. In general, both parties intend to make long-term contacts, and the Korean representatives assured that they would support the development of the Russia-Korea academic network.

Directorate of Information Policy