ASU Representative Discusses Issues of Protection of Translators and Interpreters’ Rights at International Level

ASU Representative Discusses Issues of Protection of Translators and Interpreters’ Rights at International Level

Olga Egorova, Director of the ASU Project Office of International Cooperation & Development and Director of the Caspian Higher School of Interpreting and Translation, participated in an annual meeting of the Council of the International Federation of Translators (FIT).

The meeting was held in Panama, and this time Olga Egorova represented Astrakhan State University and Russia remotely and was a full participant of voting, discussions and decision-making.

Moreover, in the FIT Council Olga Egorova is in charge of international partnership, which means cooperation with leading international organizations from the UN and UNESCO to European Commission, European Parliament and AIIC, as well as associations that protect the rights of language professionals, as along with professional development it is crucial to develop a strategy of what the profession of translator and interpreter will be in the coming decade. In addition, FIT also protects the rights of representatives of this profession: at the meeting, for example, its members discussed how interpreters should work in flashpoint areas, how they can be protected in difficult situations, etc.

Ïðåäñòàâèòåëü ÀÃÓ íà ìåæäóíàðîäíîì óðîâíå îáñóäèë âîïðîñû çàùèòû ïðàâ ïåðåâîä÷èêîâ

Another important area of work of the Council meeting was to comprehend a strategy of how to build cooperation with FIT partner universities. Olga Egorova also heads the Education and Professional Development Task Force and pays much attention to discussion on opportunities for partner universities of FIT. This includes an access to different international databases, ongoing consultancy and guidelines, traineeships for students and teachers of the universities, an opportunity to improve cooperation on all languages of the world, participation in webinars, including free of charge, etc. During those very busy days, the International Federation of Translators outlined a plan of their activities for 2019.

It is to be recalled that last year an annual meeting was held in Astrakhan: Astrakhan State University had the honour of hosting the most representative delegation of leading translators and interpreters from all continents and countries, from China and South Korea to Australia, the USA and Panama.

Ïðåäñòàâèòåëü ÀÃÓ íà ìåæäóíàðîäíîì óðîâíå îáñóäèë âîïðîñû çàùèòû ïðàâ ïåðåâîä÷èêîâ

All the members and the President of the International Federation of Translators remembered very warmly the last year meeting, when they spent several unforgettable days in Astrakhan. The delegates once again shared their impressions of visiting Astrakhan State University and the Caspian Higher School of Interpreting and Translation, and also of ASU Acting Rector Konstantin Markelov’s personal hospitality. The FIT Council thanked Konstantin Markelov for his support of development of translation, interpretation and teaching of foreign languages and for his understanding of the importance of linguistic competence for future professionals in all areas.

Project Office of International Cooperation & Development

Photo: courtesy of Olga Egorova, 2018