ASU Is Going to Join a Linguistic Project in Partnership with Rossotrudichestvo

ASU Is Going to Join a Linguistic Project in Partnership with Rossotrudichestvo

Astrakhan State University welcomed Elena Koltakova, the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs of Pushkin State Russian Language Institute.

At the meeting with Acting Rector Konstantin Markelov and representatives of the ASU administration, the guest spoke about the projects that are implemented by her institution and, in prospect, can become joint.

In particular, ASU already knows about the initiative "Ambassadors of the Russian Language". It is an international volunteering programme, initiated by Pushkin State Russian Language Institute within the framework of the Programme for Development of Student Associations of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia. It provides opportunities for student traineeships in the form of educational expeditions in Russia and foreign countries.

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Another project, implemented by the Institute together with Rossotrudichestvo, is the competition "Masters in Russian" for training teachers of Russian as a foreign language for Russian centres of science and culture abroad. Its main task is to organize simple and transparent selection of the best Master’s degree students for systematic work with those who want to learn Russian. During a 3-month traineeship, students both give Russian classes and learn about the internal system of Rossotrudichestvo activities.

In its turn, Astrakhan State University can be interesting for Pushkin State Russian Language Institute as a partner in organizing traineeships for students who learn Russian as a foreign language, in establishment of joint dissertation boards, preparation of joint publications, participation in international conferences and, of course, establishment of centres of the Russian language and culture in the Caspian states. Here ASU takes a leading role, and joint activities with the largest language university of Russia certainly would be very productive.

The meeting was concluded with a decision on signing an inter-university agreement which will be prepared in the nearest future.

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