Another Uzbek University Enters into Partnership with ASU

Another Uzbek University Enters into Partnership with ASU

Astrakhan State University has outlined prospects of academic cooperation with Urgench State University.

The ASU administration welcomed representatives of the Uzbek university — UrSU Rector Bakhrom Abdullaev and Vice-Rector for International Cooperation

Gayrat Urazboyev. Before the meeting, the guests had visited several faculties of Astrakhan State University and had a look at the university’s infrastructure and educational capacities.

Among the areas of cooperation that are interesting for UrSU the guests marked out double-degree MA programmes in translation and banking, practical psychology and soil science. The parties discussed technical details of a future double-degree programme, in particular harmonization of the curricula, organization of online entrance examinations and classes with the use of Moodle technologies, provision of accommodation for students, etc.

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Other prospects of research cooperation were outlined by ASU Vice-Rector for Research Activities Anna Fedotova. She invited the colleagues to publish research papers in ASU scientific journals, participate in preparation of joint academic publications and joint applications for grants of Russian scientific foundations.

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The Urgench colleagues got interested in the project on establishing a centre of the Uzbek culture at ASU, initiated by our university, and promised to support it with methodological materials and ethnic exhibits. The guests also welcomed the initiative on establishing a centre of the Russian language and culture at UrSU under support of ASU.

The meeting resulted in signing an agreement on a double-degree MA programme in translation and interpretation. Other areas of cooperation are also being developed.

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