Uzbek Ministry Representative Thinks Highly of Cooperation with ASU

Uzbek Ministry Representative Thinks Highly of Cooperation with ASU

The ASU Acting Rector and representatives of the university administration held an official meeting with Abbas Khodzhaev, an official of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan who heads the Department for Assuring Quality of Education Programmes and Teaching Materials.

The distinguished guest came to Astrakhan to participate in the Interregional Conference of Rectors of Russian and Uzbek Universities. His meeting with the administration of one of the leading universities of the Southern Federal District allowed to draw the first conclusions of the conference and outline areas of partnership.

The conference became a platform for new efficient international dialogues. On behalf of his Ministry, Abbas Khodzhaev also stressed their full readiness for cooperation. The parties discussed several top-priority issues, in particular organization of summer schools in different areas at ASU for Uzbek students. The guest also confirmed that the lack of qualified teachers of Russian is still an urgent problem for many regions of Uzbekistan.

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At the same time, this subject is very in-demand in schools, and parents want their children to study at schools where Russian is taught. That is why target enrollment of Uzbek students is one of promising projects. They will receive up-to-date education at ASU and then return to Uzbekistan to work at schools. Joint research projects, which can be applied for prestigious grants, are also of great importance.

The parties agreed on developing roadmaps in several areas and continuing their joint activities in close cooperation, with involvement of other universities of the two countries and with support of top-level public authorities.

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