An ASU Teacher Implements Cooperation Agreements with Uzbekistan in Practice

An ASU Teacher Implements Cooperation Agreements with Uzbekistan in Practice

In order to develop academic mobility, Svetlana Okladnikova, the Head of the Department of Information Technologies of Astrakhan State University, is giving a lecture course at Tashkent State Pedagogical Institute named after Nizami.

Astrakhan State University is introducing the subjects “Databases” and “Applied Mathematical Software” to Uzbek students. Svetlana Okladnikova shares innovative methods of teaching, applied by ASU teachers, with her TSPI colleagues and provides them with full information about Astrakhan State University.

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During her visit, the ASU teacher has already held a number of meetings with representatives of Tashkent State Pedagogical Institute named after Nizami and Tashkent University of Information Technologies. The colleagues discussed some issues of bilateral cooperation between Astrakhan State University and the Uzbek universities.

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Faculty of Mathematics & Information Technologies