16 New Governor’s Scholarship Holders at ASU

16 New Governor’s Scholarship Holders at ASU

April 15 saw a ceremony of awarding the students who have made academic, research, experimental, engineering, artistic, sporting and social achievements following the results of their winter exams.

This time, 280 applications were submitted for the scholarship, but only 100 persons were recognized deserving the Governor’s encouragement. 70 of them were awarded the scholarship for the first time.

Congratulating the awardees, Egor Ugarov, the Acting Head of the Astrakhan Youth Agency, handed in certificates in the name of Astrakhan Governor a.i. Sergey Morozov and noted he was justifiably proud of these active students.

The scholarship winners are public activists, volunteers, winners of regional and Russian competitions, participants of Russian forums, awardees of international competitions and winners of different sporting tournaments.

Students of Astrakhan State University were awarded the Governor’s scholarship for their excellence in three areas: academic, research, experimental and engineering activities (3 students), social activities (9 students) and sporting achievements (4 students).

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Directorate for Extracurricular Activities & Student Initiatives Development

Photo: Astrakhan Youth Agency