Konstantin Markelov Participates in a Meeting of Coordination Councils of Human Rights Commissioners in RF Entities

Konstantin Markelov Participates in a Meeting of Coordination Councils of Human Rights Commissioners in RF Entities

Yesterday, the Astrakhan Regional Duma hosted a meeting of ombudsmen from 27 regions of Russia who discussed issues of preserving international peace.

This message became a keynote of the meeting "Ensuring Freedom of Thought and Cultural and Humanitarian Rights Under Conditions of Russian Multiethnic and Multireligious Society and State".

The meeting agenda covered existing problems and positive practices of decision-making in the regions. The programme included reports by Vladimir Lozbinev, the Head of the staff of the High Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation, Aleksandr Bashkin, a senator from Astrakhan region, Rauf-khazrat, the Chair of the Regional Spiritual Administration of Muslims, and ombudsmen from different regions of Russia. The participants expressed their opinions on principles of building relationships in society, on the role of a religious aspect in this process and on inadmissibility of using religion to "cover" fuelling conflicts or political struggle.

All the participants agreed that coherence between public authorities, civil society, religious communities and denominations must always be a top-priority in addressing ethnic and religious problems. Special attention must be paid to education of young people in terms of their understanding of the value of rights and freedoms of each person regardless of their nationality and religion.

Source: official website of the Astrakhan Regional Duma