Rector Konstantin Markelov Congratulates ASU on Labour Day

Rector Konstantin Markelov Congratulates ASU on Labour Day

Dear colleagues and students of Astrakhan State University! I wholeheartedly congratulate you on May and Labour Day!

From Soviet times, the Labour Day has always been an amazing day. It is a celebration for everyone who creates something, who brings benefits with their physical or intellectual work to their Motherland and native region. Peace, labour and mutual respect are timeless values. May Day is a symbol of solidarity and unity of all professions, spring renovation, new lease of life and original respect for labour.

This day I wish everyone to have limitless energy in your work and I thank all those who have been working successfully and faithfully for the benefit of our region. Your honest attitude to labour teaches younger generation to respect labour traditions, teamwork and the country because it is diligence and creativeness that are essential to social development and to successful achievement of all shaped plans.

May this celebration, which is so popular among our people, inspire optimism and confidence in our souls, may all good plans and dreams come true!

Konstantin Markelov, Acting Rector of Astrakhan State University