ASU Student Will Undertake a Traineeship in France

ASU Student Will Undertake a Traineeship in France

Tatiana Prokopchuk, a 3rd-year student of the Biological Faculty of Astrakhan State University, has participated in the federal stage of the 2019 French Dictation for Non-Linguistic Students, organized by a French university and the Embassy of France in Russia.

Tatiana got to the top ten of the winners and was awarded a 2-week traineeship in France this summer.

“The participation in the All-Russia stage of the dictation in French gave me the most pleasant emotions and memories. The event lasted two days. The first day was dedicated to the International Francophonie Day: the Embassy of France in Russia organized a special celebration, where the participants could get acquainted with each other and discuss relevant issues with the Embassy diplomats. The second day saw the dictation itself,” Tatiana said.

At the end of the event, the students talked to French diplomats, who told them about the work in the Embassy and answered the participants’ questions. As Tatiana says, the most exciting part of the event was announcement of the dictation results by Sylvie Bermann, Ambassador of France to Russia.

Faculty of Foreign Languages