Astrakhan State University Students Convey Their Wishes to ASU Administration

Astrakhan State University Students Convey Their Wishes to ASU Administration

ASU Acting Rector Konstantin Markelov has met with student activists and answered different questions of representatives of ASU faculties.

The event was opened by a report of Pavel Gnidin, the newly elected Head of the United Council of Students, who presented a short-term programme of the Council activities. According to Pavel, the most urgent task is to increase ASU students’ involvement into self-governing structures because, as the survey results have shown, our students, unfortunately, still lack for information on activities of the United Council of Students. Pavel Gnidin suggests that the problem can be solved by updating the Council structure, involvement of new active participants from all the faculties, as well as cooperation with the Student Trade Union.

Activists from different faculties of ASU conveyed a plenty of wishes from other students which were related, among other things, to logistical support of educational processes, raising the level of teaching, improving living conditions in dormitories, healthcare in university buildings, management of student cafeterias and other issues. Konstantin Markelov answered the students’ questions together with several heads of respective subdivisions of the university who can provide with specific information and are competent in the issues under discussion.

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