Importance of International North—South Transport Corridor Development Is Discussed at ASU

Importance of International North—South Transport Corridor Development Is Discussed at ASU

On May 16-17, the Expert Institute for Social Studies is holding the public & expert seminar "Prospects of Development of North—South Transport Corridor under Modern Geo-Economic Conditions". The seminar was attended, among other participants, by ASU Acting Rector Konstantin Markelov.

The first day of the seminar was dedicated to conceptualization of the issue. Prof. Andrey Shutov, Doctor of Historical Sciences who is the Dean of the Faculty of Political Science of Lomonosov Moscow State University and the Chair of the Board of Directors of the Expert Institute for Social Studies, noted that the objective of such seminars is to consolidate the Russian expert community and to form federal and regional agendas.

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Konstantin Markelov stressed the importance of considering this issue at Astrakhan State University because the strategic mission of ASU is to address the issues that are connected with the development of the Caspian region, HR training and preparation of scientific and engineering projects. In his report, the Rector told the audience about the key areas of the ASU development: the establishment of the Caspian Higher Engineering School at ASU, the HR centre for the special economic zone "Lotus" and the Transport & Logistics Consortium of Caspian Higher Educational Institutions. Besides, he mentioned modernization of research and innovative activities, aimed at the establishment and development of the Scientific and Educational Centre "Caspian Region", Engineering Centre and the Caspian Scientific Youth Engineering Office.

The seminar participants emphasized the importance of establishment of the Caspian International Discussion Club at ASU.

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