New Agricultural Areas Are Discussed at ASU

New Agricultural Areas Are Discussed at ASU

Astrakhan State University has held the 2019 Caspian International Youth Scientific Forum of Agro-Industrial Technologies and Food Security.

The event was attended, among other participants, by Bakhyt Zhautikov, the Rector of Karaganda State Technical University who joined the forum via the videoconference system, Ramazan Nabiev, the Head of the Chair of Economy & Business Administration of Astrakhan State Technical University, Kamyar Nikzadfar, Doctor of Engineering and Assistant Professor of the Department of Mechanical Engineering in Control and Mechatronics (Mechatronics & Thermotronics Laboratory) of Babol Noshirvani University of Technology, Iran, Aleksey Rybakov, the Director of the ASU Institute of Physics & Mathematics, Aleksandr Koshkarov, the Head of the Research Laboratory of Big Data & Digital Technologies, as well as teachers, BA, MA and Ph.D. students and staff members of the ASU Educational Experimental Facility “Nachalo”.

The forum agenda covered such agricultural areas as agromechatronics, artificial intelligence in agriculture, food security provision and a lot more.

The event took place on April 23-24 at the ASU Faculty of Agribusiness, Technologies & Veterinary Medicine.

Faculty of Agribusiness, Technologies & Veterinary Medicine