ASU Students Participate in Foresight Session «Caspian Traditions»

ASU Students Participate in Foresight Session «Caspian Traditions»

The event was held within the framework of the Expert Council of the Astrakhan Governor on Development of the Strategy for the Regional Socioeconomic Development. Astrakhan State University was represented by students of the Faculty of World Economy & Management and Faculty of Social Communications.

The jury comprised Olga Prokofieva, the First Deputy Minister of Culture and Tourism of Astrakhan region, Yana Abdurazakova, the Head of the Astrakhan Tourist & Information Centre, and other experts.

The students, taking the ASU major programmes «Tourism», «Culturology» and the professional retraining programme «Service & Tourism», and employees of Astrakhan institutions of culture were grouped in several teams, and each one, consulted by the expert committee, was to systematize Astrakhan citizens’ proposals for socioeconomic and tourism development in our region.

When all the citizens’ initiatives were grouped by similar topic-specific programmes, the foresight session participants united their programmes in promising clusters, marking out eight clusters with their own resources, potential and points of growth. Each team assigned their speaker who presented the collective project to the jury.

At the end of the foresight session, the event participants prepared several illustrative collages, explaining peculiarities of the proposed projects and cluster initiatives.

Faculty of World Economy & Management