Grant Beneficiaries from ASU Present Results of Their Work at International Level

Grant Beneficiaries from ASU Present Results of Their Work at International Level

Staff members of Astrakhan State University that are implementing the Russian Science Foundation grant "Transformation of Mechanisms of Forming Post-Transgression Model of Religious Identity in Modern Information Space", present their developments at off-site conferences and forums in Russia and abroad.

The involved scientists conduct research activities within the first-year stage of the project implementation, including the presentation of intermediate results of their work at plenary meetings and youth sections of major scientific events.

In May, the beneficiaries have taken part in two scientific events.

A delegation, headed by Mikhail Topchiev, Candidate of Political Sciences and a senior researcher of the Laboratory for Research of Social, Political, and Cultural Dynamics of Lower Volga & Caspian Sea Region, was invited to the all-Russia scientific conference with international participation "Politics in Network Society", which was held on May, 16-19 in Adler.

Anna Romanova, Doctor of Philosophical Sciences and the Director of the ASU Institute of Southern Russia & Northern Caspian Region Issues Research who is the leading researcher of the RSF project, participated in the international conference "Knowledge, People and Digital Transformation — Lisbon, 20 May, 2019" which was held under the aegis of the Global Forum of Intellectual Capital at the largest university of Portugal; the researcher presented her report "The Influence of Digital Media on the Formation of Russian Youth’s Religious Identity".

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Institute of Southern Russia & Northern Caspian Region Issues Research