ASU Identifies the Best Experts in Media Communications and Journalism

ASU Identifies the Best Experts in Media Communications and Journalism

The results of the first All-Russia online competition of research papers "MediaSearch" for students of secondary schools and further educational institutions have been summed up.

The competition was initiated and organized by the Department of Theory & History of Journalism of the ASU Faculty of Philology & Journalism under support of the ASU Centre of Digital Education.

The competition aims at raising the education quality and the efficiency of training with the use of project and research methods, as well as raising the level of children and teenagers’ media literacy.

The event brought together schoolchildren and students of the Astrakhan State College of Professional Technologies and other educational institutions of our city.

The participants prepared papers on one of the topics from the list: "Image of the hero of time in modern press", "What is the role of art in human life?", "What is success?", "Family in my life" and a lot more.

The expert commission, comprised of leading experts of the Department of Theory & History of Journalism, reviewed the papers, posted by the authors on the ASU web resource "Digital Education", and assessed them by specific criteria. The experts mentioned the young authors’ creativity in dealing with the chosen issue and its presentation. All the participants of the competition "MediaSearch" received respective certificates.

Faculty of Philology & Journalism