ASU Representatives Present the Project of Engineering Groups to Akhtubinsk Schoolchildren

ASU Representatives Present the Project of Engineering Groups to Akhtubinsk Schoolchildren

Implementation of this project has been discussed at a meeting of Aleksey Kirillov, the Akhtubinskiy District Head, with representatives of Astrakhan State University — Anna Fedotova, the Vice Rector for Research Activities, Aleksey Titov, the Head of the Engineering Project Office, and Vasiliy Chanchikov, the Head of the Caspian Higher Engineering School.

Engineering school groups are one of the most promising ideas of the Caspian Higher Engineering School of Astrakhan State University. At present, the university is a partner of the World Engineering Competitions, a contest that allows the youth tackle practical high-tech tasks. The main areas are mobile app programming, building and construction modelling, robotics and a lot more. That is why now Astrakhan State University is actively creating conditions for training specialists with highly professional engineering education from the very childhood.

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Akhtubinsk schoolchildren are supposed to study in these engineering groups within supplementary education programmes. Participation in this project will allow schoolchildren that are interested in this sphere to “level up” their skills before their enrollment at higher educational institutions, use technical facilities of Moscow technoparks and then to work with real projects.

Those children that will get interested in this project will be able to visit Astrakhan State University and get to see firsthand how “digital” specialists are trained and how the regional engineering is being developed.

Source: official website of the Administration of the Municipal Entity «Akhtubinskiy District»