ASU Helps Its Graduates Get Employed

ASU Helps Its Graduates Get Employed

Yesterday, on May 30, Astrakhan State University held the regional employment forum "Career: Start". ASU students and graduates got a unique chance to talk to potential employers, fill in an application form, present their CV, be interviewed and, above all, find a job.

The forum "Career: Start" is an important event for ASU which has already become a tradition. It aims at a discussion on graduates’ employment under modern conditions and the market offers for young specialists, as well as presentation of leading regional employers.

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The event brought together more than 30 representatives of sectoral ministries and departments, public authorities and local self-government authorities, enterprises and institutions of Astrakhan region. Each of them presented in detail the functions and objectives of their organizations, benefits of working there, salary, professional and career advancement opportunities, social benefits, mentoring and a lot more.

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The forum discussion was followed by a job fair, where the students could be interviewed by employers, presenting a prepared CV or filling in an application form. The candidates were individually consulted by representatives of the Astrakhan Employment Centre.

The forum agenda also included master classes on job hunting strategies: "Career Development", "Job Interview", "Recruitment" and "Meeting Young Entrepreneurs".

Directorate of Information Policy