ASU Presidential Programme Participants Pay a Business Visit to Pilot Group

ASU Presidential Programme Participants Pay a Business Visit to Pilot Group

The meeting involved the trainees of the programmes "Regional Management: Forming Sustainable Competitive Advantages of Companies and Territories" and "Effective Healthcare Management: Training of Result-Oriented Management Teams for Regional Healthcare System".

The visit aimed at considering the issue of automation business processes, software and computer equipment, as well as acquaintance with some innovation products. Pilot Group is now the largest platform that unites all the business communities of the region, representing different spheres.

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Its Executive Director Narmina Velieva shared some secrets of the organizational culture with the guests and told them about effective tools of HR management. The Presidential Programme participants learned about the activities on staff advancement and internal training, about growth opportunities within one company and about some interesting corporate know-how. During the meeting, the trainees were shown specific examples of interaction between company’s structural subdivisions.


The introduction of such an event into the learning process gives the Presidential Programme trainees another opportunity to learn about tools of managing human resources, communication and motivation.


Department of Strategy & Competitiveness