Made-up Actors at the June Meeting of the ASU Academic Council

Made-up Actors at the June Meeting of the ASU Academic Council

Such a performance was connected with a ceremony of handing certificates to the students of ASU Faculty of Pedagogics & Social Work that participated in different artistic competitions.

ASU Acting Rector Konstantin Markelov awarded the actors of the student theatre of fashion "Caspian Phantom" and the student theatre "On Konovalov Street", as well as the artists of the student folk group "Ethnosphere". All of them defended the honour of our university at the 7th all-Russian grant competition of the performance art "Seagull", held this spring in Sochi.

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Along with the young artists, the Rector awarded Aleksandr Borodin and Galina Palatkina who actually guided creative activities of these groups. Then Konstantin Markelov acknowledged ASU Ph.D. student Vladimir Palatkin with the letters of gratitude from the autonomous non-governmental organization "We Need Each Other" and from the Ministry of Social Development and Labour.

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Then it was the turn to award participants of the all-Russian student competition on social work and ASU teacher Elena Dakhina, who helped the students prepare for this competition.

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The Rector also handed awards and certificates to the ASU students that won at the final stage of the open international student online competition on statistics and computer science.

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ASU teachers weren’t left unnoticed as well. Konstantin Markelov awarded Anatoly Velikorodov with the Certificate of Merit of the Astrakhan Governor, Anna Suralieva received the Certificate of Merit of the Astrakhan Regional Duma, while Dmitry Vasiliev was awarded the Certificate of Merit of the regional Ministry of Culture and Tourism for participation in the project "Astrakhan kurgans".

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Besides, the Academic Council members made a decision on nominating Aleksandr Lunev, the Research Supervisor of Astrakhan State University, for the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland".

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