ASU Implements an Advanced Training Course on Educational Programmes Development

ASU Implements an Advanced Training Course on Educational Programmes Development

The training is organized by the Unit of Educational Programmes Planning & Realization of the Academic Process Management Directorate and the Unit of Corporate Training of the Department of Continuing Education.

According to Natalia Kolenkova, Candidate of Psychological Sciences and the Head of the Unit of Educational Programmes Planning, who actually runs the training course, a lot of programmes and majors of ASU will be implemented according to new federal state educational standards, updated with regard to the professional standards (FGOS 3++). The new educational standards differ significantly from the previous ones, and these differences must be taken into consideration when running the educational process and implementing educational programmes.

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The advanced training course aroused great interest among teachers and administrative staff of Astrakhan State University: the organizers formed three groups which will study from early June to early July 2019. A fourth group is already being formed as well, and the course will be continued next academic year.

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Academic Process Management Directorate

Department of Continuing Education