Erasmus+ Training Workshop at Astrakhan State University

Erasmus+ Training Workshop at Astrakhan State University

A meeting with representatives of ASU subdivisions was dedicated to such Erasmus+ programmes as Capacity Building, Jean Monnet and International Credit Mobility.

Marina Trunilina and Svetlana Popova, specialists of the Office for International Cooperation in International Project Implementation, told the workshop participants about Russian HEIs’ opportunities for participation in the programmes and focused on conditions for development and implementation of international projects.

According to the speakers, Capacity Building programme implies establishment of a university consortium and globally aims at internationalization of higher education in partner universities. Astrakhan State University is now involved into the implementation of two Capacity Building projects: “Fostering Internationalisation in AgRicultural Engineering in Iran and Russia” [FARMER] and “Development of Master’s degree programmes on mobile applications & game design” [MAGnUS].

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As for Jean Monnet, which is primarily focused on political, economic and cultural processes in European countries, the Office experts noted that Russian HEIs submit the largest number of applications of all the participating countries. Three ASU applications for Jean Monnet programme have been accepted since 2016. In 2018, the European Commission selected 14 projects from Russian universities, including the one of Astrakhan State University.

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In relation to International Credit Mobility, here ASU implements the mobility programmes with six universities of Italy, France and Slovenia. According to the speakers, the programme “International Credit Mobility» is the easiest way to start cooperating with foreign universities: students can undertake foreign traineeships or study courses, teachers are given an opportunity to deliver lectures at partner universities, while administrative staff can do externships in partner companies.

The specialists of the Office for International Cooperation in International Project Implementation told the workshop participants about different aspects of grant implementation, specificity, conditions and deadlines for submission, as well as project budget estimation.

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Project Office of International Cooperation & Development

Directorate of Information Policy

Photo: Directorate of Information Policy