ASU Discusses EU Enlargement Prospects

ASU Discusses EU Enlargement Prospects

June 28 saw an international webinar within the framework of the Jean Monnet project “Democracy and Governance in the European Union”, which has been implemented at Astrakhan State University since 2016.

The webinar on considering the EU enlargement issues was organized in cooperation with the Regional Office of the European Studies Association. It was attended by Katarzyna Vaščák, Ph.D. from the University of Lodz, Patricio Barbirotto Ph.D from Ca’Foscari University of Venice, Astrakhan State University teachers Lyudmila Baeva, Rafik Usmanov, Nikolay Grishin and Aleksandr Grigoriev, as well as students of the major “International Relations”.

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Dr. Katarzyna Vaščák, whose specialization is the EU enlargement processes, addressed the audience with a report on current issues of the accession of new member states to the Union, paying particular attention to possibilities for the current candidate states.

The ASU students were actively involved into the discussion and asked questions on specific modern issues of the European integration.

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Faculty of Social Communications