Astrakhan State University Is Going to Launch an IT Summer School

Astrakhan State University Is Going to Launch an IT Summer School

A new general programme was developed by teachers of the ASU Faculty of Mathematics & Information Technologies for children aged 11–15 who have a certain set of knowledge, skills and competencies in mathematics and computer science.

The programme is aimed at forming a cognitive interest to mathematics and modern IT, developing creative abilities, preparing for further education and for a conscious professional choice. While doing the course, attendees will master general techniques and methods of solving creative math and IT problems that go beyond the basic level limits.

The school will help its participants form preconditions for acquiring digital literacy, get basic skills of project activity in IT and math product development, develop teamwork skills for project work and lay the foundation of further independent studies on video game design, computer and information security and computer-aided learning.

The course programme includes lectures, practical classes, laboratory work and other forms of studies.

The programme is delivered by highly skilled teachers of the Faculty of Mathematics & Information Technologies.

Department of Continuing Education