Caspian Research & Educational Centre Shapes Up

Caspian Research & Educational Centre Shapes Up

The strategic session “Caspian Research & Educational Centre – Industrial Future of Southern Russia” was held on July 5–6, attended, among others, by delegations from Dagestan and Kalmykiya universities.

The working meeting brought together representatives of higher educational institutions, research centres, executive authorities, social organizations and industrial partners.

The participants’ objective was to form a model of establishment and development of the Caspian Research & Educational Centre in order to do world-class research and developments, design new competitive technologies and products for further commercialization, to train HR for addressing large research and technological tasks for the benefit of the development of industries and technologies of the Caspian region according to the priorities of the scientific and technological development of Russia.

Caspian Research & Educational Centre Shapes Up

The main activities of the event participants were concentrated within three speech sessions: “Engineering Breakthrough” (“Digital Caspian region”, “Oil & gas sector and economy”, “Transport & logistics infrastructure and shipbuilding development”), “Natural Force” (“Medicine and healthcare”, “Environmental and food security”, “Biodiversity”, “Agro-industrial complex”) and “Sociocultural Integration” (“Sociocultural security”, “Cultural heritage preservation”, “Tourism”, “Intercultural communications”, “Geopolitics”). Each group was to conduct an analysis and assessment of the current state and prospects of the development of the specific areas which the Caspian Centre will specialize on.

Caspian Research & Educational Centre Shapes Up

Having worked for 2 days, the speech session participants proposed several new forms of interaction between the academic and business communities, which is expected to result in efficient transfer of technologies and research development to the industry.

Caspian Research & Educational Centre Shapes Up

Caspian Research & Educational Centre Shapes Up

Directorate of Information Policy