Astrakhan State University is Running an Advanced Training Programme in Veterinary Medicine

Astrakhan State University is Running an Advanced Training Programme in Veterinary Medicine

The course “Professional Competencies of Veterinary Teachers under Conditions of Systemic Changes in Higher Education” is organized by the ASU Department of Veterinary Medicine and the Unit of Corporate Training of the ASU Department of Continuing Education.

The programme leading trainers are Tamara Rodionova, Professor of the Department of Animal Diseases & Veterinary-Sanitary Inspection of the Saratov State Vavilov Agrarian University, and Tatiana Bogdanova, Candidate of Biological Sciences and the Head of the Radiology Examination Department of the Astrakhan Regional Veterinary Laboratory.

Astrakhan State University is Running an Advanced Training Programme in Veterinary Medicine

The course allows the participants to broaden their knowledge in veterinary management, organizational and methodological work, to learn innovation approaches to teaching veterinary subjects at modern university. The classes are held both at ASU and at the Regional Veterinary Laboratory.

Upon completion of the course, the participants will receive advanced training certificates (basic level).

Astrakhan State University is Running an Advanced Training Programme in Veterinary Medicine

Department of Continuing Education