ASU PhysTech Students Have a Chance to Work for “IDGC of the South” in Summer

ASU PhysTech Students Have a Chance to Work for “IDGC of the South” in Summer

July 1 saw an opening ceremony of the summer labour season of the united student energy team “Seventh Phase”. It involves future electrical engineers of Astrakhan State University and Astrakhan State Technical University.

The team members will work at the facilities of "Astrakhanenergo", a branch of the company "IDGC of the South", and then they’ll go to the seaside to continue their studies and have some rest.

"Student construction teams appeared in the Soviet Union, when the country needed a promising next generation. This tradition has been revived and has become relevant in modern times. The specificity of the current stage is that the construction team of the company "IDGC of the South" aims at professional energy-related activities. Besides, it is a wonderful opportunity not only to learn theory but also to see the things we discuss at university in practice", says Larisa Zaynutdinova, the Head of the ASU Department of Electrical Engineering, Electronics & Automatics.

The team is going to work a month and a half, during their summer holidays. However, even such a short period of time will give the students new knowledge and experience at the facilities of the company "IDGC of the South". The enterprise, in its turn, will be able to assess promising students in terms of enrichment of their HR pool.

ASU PhysTech Students Have a Chance to Work for “IDGC of the South” in Summer

ASU PhysTech Students Have a Chance to Work for “IDGC of the South” in Summer

Faculty of Physics & Technology